New Age Meets Ancient Age

I have found a dichotomy recently in how I view my relationship with my desires. During most of my life I held that desire was a good thing, it motivated me to achieve. Then, I studied yoga and Buddhism and found that desire was viewed as a detriment to elimination of suffering in life.

Now, even later in life, I have once again revisited the subject with renewed interest and a new understanding that desire coupled with happiness generates an energy, which causes the Universe to give you what you vibrate for.

I still love yoga and practice many of the core principles daily, but desire has taken a decidedly different change in direction.

The Law of Attraction seems to be discussed everywhere today in New Age thinking and writing. The teachings of Esther and Jerry Hicks have transcended many levels of motivational and inspirational thinking and speaking, not to mention volumes of writing on the subject.

Sometimes in life, a way of looking at something changes for reasons that become obvious with closer examination. The Law of Attraction falls under this category for me.

What is the Law of Attraction? Simply stated, you attract what you think about. If you think negative thoughts you receive negative experiences. If you are happy, thinking about your desires, you attract those desires. Happiness is, therefore, a desired constant state because the Universe gives you what you ask for during happy or negative thinking.

It took me a while to fully comprehend this philosophy and accept it; which is probably the case with most who have learned a non-attachment to desire way of life.

If, as the Hick