African-American Heritage in Stafford County, in Northern Virginia

Thanks to great progress in archaeological research, we are learning more about the role of African-Americans in our nation's history. Where once it was only known that many lived here as slaves and in subservient roles, we can learn more about how African-Americans lived in colonial and Civil War times, and how their cultures are remembered and felt today. Stafford County, just 25 miles from the nation's capital in Northern Virginia, was witness to much of the nation's history. Today, anyone interested in African-American history may visit a number of area landmarks.

Chatham Manor

This beautifully restored Georgian mansion, located near Fredericksburg, just may one of the most important houses in Virginia history - Chatham is believed to be the only private residence visited by George Washington and Abraham Lincoln. Erected in the 18th century by wealthy landowner William Fitzhugh, the daily operations of the home and plantation were seen to by upwards of a hundred slaves. Today, visitors to Chatham may learn more about life on the plantation through preserved slave quarters and stories of uprising and rebellion. By the time of the Civil War, Chatham was transformed into Union headquarters, ushering in a new era for Virginia's African Americans.

Moncure Conway House

While Virginia pledged loyalty to the Confederacy during the Civil War, not everybody who lived in the state supported slavery. Moncure Conway was perhaps one of the most vocal abolitionists of his time, and his Virginia home remains a testament to his beliefs. Visitors to Conway's home will learn of the owner's heroic efforts to free his family's slaves, and his ensuing disownment. Today, Conway's home is nominated to be linked to the famous Underground Railroad.

The Rowser Building

The early twentieth-century saw segregation in the South. Separate buildings for separate colors. In Stafford, African-American children attended Rowser, an all-black school established in the late thirties. While the structure today no longer resembles the small school of a long-gone era, the Rowser Building remains a landmark and a reminder that things can change for the better.

In Stafford County, American history lives on in the landmarks, museums, and historical homes. Anyone planning a trip to Washington, DC would benefit from a side trip to this part of Northern Virginia. The Stafford County Department of Economic Development at offers free brochures to all who are interested in learning more about our nation's history.

Kathryn Lively ( is a freelance writer who writes travel articles for a number of organizations, including the Stafford County Department of Economic Development at

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