Website Content - Is There More to It?

As an operator of a website you often hear and read about having fresh, quality site content. What exactly is site content and is it really just all about articles and the information contained in articles, or is there more?

It is true that site content is primarily made up of articles and textual information. Look at just about any site on the Internet and you will find that most of the content requires the site visitor to read to understand what is being offered up.

Yet, thought this is true there are some other mediums that should be considered when building content for your website. Before we get to the other content types we should consider how the different ways people think and learn. Some learn best by reading, others by viewing and others by interaction. Knowing this will help you when deciding which type of content you should include on your site.

Here are three examples of content that can be used to deliver your message.

Textual Content