Why I Think He is Our Father

What is going on in the world? To answer that let's examine the Christian image of our Heavenly Father. We will do this through a backwards scrutiny process. That is: we will begin where we are and look back into the history of our belief to find a foundation for our faith. In effect we are starting at the top of the house and examining the structure downward until we reach the foundation. Our objective is foundation identification. Our foundation is our Father.

I am going to start by referring to the book of Matthew. Jesus must be the root of our study because therein is the answer to our quest for understanding of our birthright and heritage. Jesus referred to us as seeds sown in the field of the world. He said those seeds that are good are the sons of the kingdom of God. He said that at the end of the age we would shine like the sun in the kingdom of our Father. (Matt. 13:37-43) Further he told us that we should not worry about our lives but search for and seek the Kingdom of our Father. (Matt. 6:25-34) Jesus spent a great deal of time on this matter. It is contained in one of his longest surmons. He said we must struggle to understand, we must make an effort to incorporate these spiritual things into our very being. (Matt. 7:7-12) The very thought implies we must spend time thinking and pondering things beyond our physical capabilities. We must learn of our spiritual heritage through struggle. Not struggle in the physical sense. That is; not in combat, but in mental struggle, in our minds.

Jesus told us he and his Father are one. (John 10:29-30) Jesus said he was in the Father and the Father was in him. (John 10:38) He said that in our Father's house are many rooms and he has gone to prepare a place for us. (This place having been prepared already after his death and resurrection. We need only accept this as our relative position in the universe.) He said we know the way to the place were he is going. (John 14:1-4; John 12:50) He was saying he and our Father were one when he said "if you really knew me you would know the Father." (John 14:6-7; 14:10-14)

Now comes the really important thing that Jesus himself said that stipulates that we are members of the body of God! Jesus said that we would realize that he (Jesus) is in his Father and we are in him (Jesus) and he (Jesus) is in us. (John 14:20) I could, and probably should, rest my case here. I will not though, after all, I am a writer. I will continue to assert the strength of the spirit of our Father and its influence in our lives and the impact of such on the entire planet. The contingency of this entire life form renewal is this: obey Jesus' command! (John 15:17)

Jesus said over and over that he would be raised because he had a command from the Father that he would do. This command was to lay down his life for those chosen and to take it back up again.

Jesus prayed shortly before his death that we would be brought into complete unity with him and the Father. (John 17: 20-23) Isn't it clear? For Jesus this was not a matter of faith but of knowledge! He was certain! He knew! He needn't have faith that he was the Son of God! He knew it! He realized we must have faith that we are the children of God, but certainly he gave us enough evidence to assume the facts are the facts. If we don't accept this then we do not accept Jesus (do we?). For that purpose He left the Holy Spirit to guide us.

This is the mission of the Holy Spirit: The Holy Spirit is not a part of God in the sense that it is a third entity in the trinity. The trinity is a doctrine thought up by the early Catholic Church that was an attempt to explain the presence of the Holy Spirit in the discussions of Jesus. The early Catholic Church had something when they described God in a Trinity and it has stuck through the years. I am not going to argue the validity of the doctrine however, Jesus never said I and my Father and the Holy Spirit are one! Likewise, you cannot separate the Holy Spirit from Jesus and God so, why argue about what you call that special relationship?

The Holy Spirit is:

* the glue that binds the body of God together.
* structure that connects the cells.
* the DNA of the God head.
* the comforter around your shoulders that says you belong.
* the indescribable knowledge of things you have not experienced.
* the share of the love of God that envelops you.
* the protocol converter that allows your soul and spirit to pray uninhibited to God.
* the conversion method that builds you into the full measure of the unity.
* the presence that warns you of danger and rewards you for things done in secret.
* the path on which God sends his peace and love.

The Holy Spirit is not:

* a ghost that travels from individual to individual.
* an entity that descends on you only in the presence of the TV evangelists.
* a member of the council of God.
* a messenger boy.
* a telecommunications link to dial when it is your will.
* a ticket to pass go and control God's actions.

Jesus referred to the kingdom of Heaven in nearly every parable. Usually beginning with:

"The kingdom of heaven is like ..."

Usually, he told of its similarity to a farmer sowing seeds or of something growing. The problem is that the early church (after experiencing phenomenal growth and severe persecution) let the power that was awarded them through spiritual growth go to their heads. (Remember: We grow spiritually in direct relation to the number of people that we influence toward the knowledge of God! Toward the gospel ... that the Kingdom of God is near. We grow with the number of seeds of this type we plant.) These early churches began developing laws and councils not to establish new and more efficient ways to share the gospel that the kingdom of God (Mark 1:15) was near, but to usurp the power of God on earth and exert control over the humans themselves.

You and I must pay the price for this inconsiderate and arrogant behavior to this day. This behavior is referred to in the Bible as prostitution because the church, in so doing has subjugated itself to the governments of humans. It is no longer spreading the love of God but hoarding gold into their own treasuries. They have placed their treasure on earth and therefore their hearts on earth as well. They have allowed themselves to become the puppets of the governments and not the measure of it! Now; at long last; only in the end, do they begin to see that the ones thought to be their servants are actually their masters! What a sad day for them. It is as though they were drunk. They have lived off the money they have extracted through guilt placed religiously on the masses. They have increased the burden continually harder and heavier constantly taking more under the guise of good works until they have squeezed the life from the people. The people having been drained by the governments and by the religious groups calling themselves churches have grown callused and cold and incapable of trusting or loving. How can we trust these organizations to teach us who God is? How?

Don't you see? Have you never read in the Bible where God had already worked mightily among the gentiles without the exertion of the Hebrew laws? The first vestiges of this human need to control were shown when the disciples from Judea were telling new believers in Antioch they would have to be circumcised to be saved. God didn't impose that on them! What gave the humans the right to? (Acts 15) Who was to say what was impure and immoral? If God gave his spirit to these new believers who were these humans to issue controls? Jesus left only two commands: Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul and might; and love one another. (Matt. 22:37-39) Just go sow the seed without judging or imposing laws ... let the King worry about weather someone is dressed properly for the wedding. (Matt. 22:8-14)

So, let us get back to God. Who is God? How is he formed?

"Yet to as many as received him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become the children of God; children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband's will, but born of God." (John 1:12-13)

The original apostles basically rejected Paul, who was called after Jesus had risen, due to his doctrine. Yet his letters have survived to this day. None of the apostles had more anointing from God than Paul did and certainly none had more vision. None seemed willing to accept God's will to free human kind.

Paul teaches us we received the spirit of son-ship not fear. He told the Romans that if we were sons we were also heirs and if heirs, co-heirs with Christ. How can we argue with chapter eight of Romans? (Rom 8:28-30) If Jesus and God are one and Jesus and we are one are we not one with God? Or at least is that not the ultimate goal of God's will? If then Jesus is one with God and yet still maintains his independent identity do we not also maintain ours after we have reached that glorified state? If Jesus maintains his independent identity (yet shared throughout our Father) then our Father must be a being constructed of many cells of independent identities purified and glorified! How can we continue to set our Father on some thrown in outer space? How long before we embrace him and let him take us into his embrace? How long must we maintain this adolescent arrogance that separates us from our Father?

Our Father ... is just that! He is our Father!

Haven't we been told our bodies are the temple of God, because God lives in us? (1 Cor. 3:16) How can we continue to think of ourselves as mere pawns and servants in a game of life that does not accept us? How can we continue to be encumbered by the physical burdens put on us by churches, governments, and the media?

If we are part of a body unit (as we are referred to in the very Bible we hold as truth) and so it is with Christ (1 Cor. 12:1) is it not so also with God? There is only one God. Only one Father. Only one body. Only one faith. Only one spirit. Over all, through all, and in all. (Eph. 4:4-6) It is impossible that our heavenly Father could have spawned a child different than himself. Jesus told us over and over that the Kingdom of heaven was like a farmer sowing seeds. He told us over and over the fruit would be of the same species as the plant on which it grew. But even earlier in the Bible there is evidence that everything God created brought forth after its own kind! (Gen. 1:11-12, 1:21-22, 1:24-25) Most important of these was in Genesis 1:27 when God created man in his (God's) own image. This did not indicate that man looked like God! What one activity of creation set man apart from the remainder of the creatures and plants? We find the answer in Gen 2:7 where our Father breathed into our nostrils the breath of life. Not the breath of physical life, the breath of the spirit of our Father. This is the same breath; the same term; used in those last days of Jesus (after the resurrection) when he breathed on the disciples and said, "Receive the Holy Spirit." (John 20:22) Jesus was in actuality the redeemer of the human race because we lost the spirit of God in the fall of man when Adam disobeyed the commands of God.

As time passed and humans became more dependent on the physical solution; they lost all spiritual contact with the Father. Men relegated Our Father to a far away and distant kingdom. In effect (as a result of fear and guilt caused by disobedience) men created god! Whoa! What am I saying? I am saying only this ... humans created the box that put our Father off in the far reaches of outer space ... I am saying Adam rejected Him. Remember God used to walk and talk with Adam in the Garden of Eden. It was after Adam disobeyed that he (Adam) began to hide. He (human-kind) has hidden ever since. We still hide today.

Romans 11:32 reads that (you need to read all of Romans) God bound all humans to sin so that He could show mercy to all humans. Our Father in his infinite love for us sent another to redeem us from that sin. Because of this, we cannot say