Online Article Submission Websites; Professional Writers Ask Do They Work?

There are some Professional Writers who are starving and cannot make living and they blame this on the increasing numbers of amateur authors out there writing articles. And then they claim that the online article submission sites are worthless. Yet if these are a bunch of amateurs and the submission sites are worthless then why are the professional writers so flustered? Well you should see what one lady wrote about the whole thing.

In the article she wrote? Someone built a website and quote; “made $ .50 in Google Adsense?” Please, that is fraudulent, misrepresentation and misdirection with someone who has an axe to grind and it is simply not true of what this fast online article submission venue trend is about.

Online Article Submission sites provide a valuable venue for online writers, both for those who use them for informational selling and those who use them for getting their work seen and I am right, I stand tall and NO ONE should be allowed to slam, this venue, especially when they have NO CLUE as to what they are talking about.

Just because someone is deprived and can dream up Romance Novels and describe every detail of a sexual encounter that never happened does not make them an expert in this Online Article Submission Site Venue, nor does it give them the right to slam in an aggressive manner. Consider this in 2006.

"Lance Winslow" - Online Think Tank forum board. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance;

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Lance Winslow - EzineArticles Expert Author