Need a Hand? A Shopping Guide for Gloves

It's a little surprising how many options a person has regarding gloves. They seem such a simple part of a wardrobe. But depending on what you need a pair for, a job, sports and recreation, to make a fashion statement, etc, you'll want to adjust your shopping focus accordingly.

The first task is to determine what size of glove you wear -- especially if you happen to be purchasing a pair online and can't try them on beforehand. Then you can select a retailer that specializes in particular outerwear or a more generic outlet. Leather gloves provide for the maximum insulation of heat and protection from the elements but they also can be bulky and limit flexibility. For more lightweight gloves, you may want to consider wool. Some gloves are especially designed for intense outdoor activity and are waterproof and windproof. Others are for more leisurely use, so make sure you examine them properly before making your purchase.

You'll find that you have all sorts of colors, styles, and patterns to choose from as well. So no matter what you're looking for, a little Internet browsing is made super easy as long as you know what size and kind of glove you're searching for!

Lisa Sparillo for

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