DVD Rental Stores

Isn't renting a DVD and wathing it at home a better option than driving to a movie theater and spending a lot of money on a movie that you really didn't want to see? Certainly, there is nothing like the silver screen for the big blockbuster hits, or the expansive cinematography of some of the art flicks. But if you don't mind a small screen - or if you have a veritable home theater in your home - DVD rental stores can be your savior for movie night.

DVD rental stores have all kinds of movies from classics to the very latest releases, comedy, drama -- you name it. All you have to have is enough time to browse up and down the neatly categorized aisles of the video store and select the movie(s) of your choice. Stores can look up movies on online lists and confirm availability of a particular movie.

Customers can usually keep rented movies for a week to ten days depending on the store