Secrets of Creating Instant Rapport with Anyone, Part 2 - The Magic of VAK

In Part 1, we looked at ways to mirror and match the actions of other people. This time, we will examine sense modalities and show how you can use them to create Instant Rapport.

Most of us are blessed with five senses, which we use to receive information from the world around us. Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP), among other things, studies the relationship between language and brain function.

NLP has determined that some people are primarily visually oriented (V). Others are more auditory (A). And some are more in touch with their physical feelings and emotions, or what is termed kinesthetic (K). From this, we get the term VAK.


You can tell which sensory mode someone prefers to use by listening the words they say.

Visuals think in pictures and the language they use reflects that. They might say,