Start A Home Business As A Marketing Consultant -- Quickly, Easily, And With Little Money

Recently I had someone come to me wanting more information on how to start a home business as a marketing consultant.

He had read one of my articles somewhere and said he wanted to believe it was an easy and profitable home business to start. He wanted what he heard me say to be true. But he just couldn't believe -- especially with all the other hyped-up home business "opportunities" out there -- it could be as simple, fast and easy to make money as I claimed.

Here's what I said:

I told him starting and running a home based marketing consulting business is as simple as doing some research on the basics (at first) of direct marketing -- which can be learned mostly online or at your local library.

After that, when you've got the basics of marketing down -- which if you put some time into it, shouldn't take all that long -- starting the actual business itself is as easy picking up the yellow pages and as cheap as paying your phone bill.

Because, you see, all you have to do is find businesses who are already spending money on advertising in the yellow pages -- and start calling them. If you don't want to call them yourself, you can hire a tele-marketer for $8 or $9 an hour.

And when the business owner answers, you or your tele-marketer simply say these exact words: