Keeping Your Colon Clean May Help Avoid Colon Cancer

Colon Klenz

Our body draws nutrients and energy from the food that we take into our bodies, and the typical American diet generally consists of all the sodas, caffeine, alcohol, and sugar, in addition to the processed, oily, and fatty foods that are not good for your health. These kinds of food lack nutritional value, and also leads to around 8 meals of undigested food and waste material in the colon.

The colon, or the intestinal tract, is where the nutrients are absorbed and where the waste materials are removed. Bowel movement should be done regularly to rid our bodies of the waste material in the colon, but unfortunately, most people are constipated and are unable to move their bowels regularly.

Having few bowel movements is unhealthy. Constipation and diarrhea, as well as some other bowel problems, contribute to toxins that remain in the intestines. The longer the waste materials remain in our body, the more toxic it is going to be