Teen Drivers Better Be Careful This July And August

Do you have a driver who is sixteen years old? Or seventeen years old? If you do, you better brace yourself for this piece of information. According to the American Automobile Association (AAA) department Foundation for Traffic Safety study, July and August, the summer months, are the deadliest months of the year for such teenage drivers.

However, the study goes on to show that if the parents of teenage drivers make sure that driving restrictions are being maintained, the crash rate of this group of drivers can be lowered by around 20 per cent. Those teens who punctually observe and follow restriction rules have lesser chances of meeting accidents and crashes, compared to those who simply ignore these traffic and driving rules.

All of these were products of analysis of the said group. They collected data from various states which held nighttime and passenger restrictions for drivers who were 16 years old. They then compared such data to those states which did not have such restrictions.

Brad Roeber is the president for the AAA Chicago Region. He states,