US Congress Neglecting Duty on Military Research; Quite Sickening Indeed

The United States Congress and the congressman and women are too busy worrying about getting re-elected than the future of our nation and these politicians are weak and unable to get past the linear thought of politics. There is no reason they should not be able to handle with their current brain capacity all the aspects of primate politics in the United States Congress and juggle the need to press on for the future.

There is no excuse for weakness in humans in the United States Congress. We must not allow them to slow down the forward progression of the species, as it is trying to press on. The government's No. 1 job is to protect the American people and that means we need a strong military today in the present period and develop the technologies both lethal and non-lethal to secure our strength in the future.

If we failed to or neglect to fund military research projects we do so at the detriment of the American people and our future generations. We have a duty and a responsibility both in the Constitution and to our family names and heritage to protect what we have built now and far into the future.

It is quite sickening to think that the United States Congress would rather fund stupid ridiculous pet projects, which have nothing to do with protecting the American people but are rather social gifts to those who do not want to work or put forth effort to help our civilization.

This is unacceptable and any U.S. Congress member who does not help fund military research right now should be thrown out of office for failing to uphold their oath of the Constitution of the United States of America to protect the American people.

Now for my opinion; you sons of bitches, what the hell is your problem? You Socialist Scum, how dare you jeopardize the future of this great nation, with your lack of funding of military research projects to protect the American people. Consider this in 2006 and vote for Lance.

Lance Winslow

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Lance Winslow - EzineArticles Expert Author