Residual Income Program: Why You Should Have One

For many new online entrepreneurs looking to get involved in affiliate marketing it would be in your best interest to consider adding a residual income program as one of your affiliate programs. Residual income programs are similar to regular affiliate programs in that you get paid when a sale is made.

Residual income programs differ in that you also have the opportunity to get paid multiple times off of the same customer. In a regular affiliate program, you would generate a sale and get paid a commission. For example if you sold an e-book you would be paid a percentage of the sale price and that would be the end of it.

In a residual income program you would get paid for the initial purchase and you would also be paid on additional purchases made by that customer you generated. Residual income programs are usually structured around products or services where there is a recurring subscription or membership cost that happens every month or so. For example, if your wireless phone service was structured as a residual income program and you generated a customer for the company you would get paid every month a percentage of that customer