Allergy Causes And Ways To Avoid Them

aAllergy is one of the most common problems faced by people of all ages around the world. They are due to abnormal immune system reactions that may be very much harmless to most people. Allergens are the substances like certain food, dust, pollen, and medicines etc that cause allergic reactions.

Allergic to something means as saying that the particular substance is harmful to your body. To protect your body, the immune system produces IgE antibodies to that allergen which then cause certain cells in the body to release chemicals into the bloodstream like histamine. Histamine acts on the eyes, nose, throat, lungs, skin, or gastrointestinal tract and causes the symptoms of the allergic reaction. So next time you are exposed to that same allergen it will trigger this antibody response.

Allergic Reactions:
If you frequently have a runny nose that means you have allergy, sometimes it can be severe which could even lead to difficulty breathing, swelling of the lips, tongue, and throat or other parts of the body, and dizziness or loss of consciousness. This reaction is called anaphylaxis. Asthma attack most of the times, is due to allergic reaction to dust or anything. In some reactions anaphylaxis can occur minutes after you are exposed to the substance. The good thing is they can be cured if you take proper medical treatment.

Those having allergies in the family have high chances of having the same. It is often hereditary, which means it can be passed down to your children. But it is not necessary that just because your parents or your siblings have it, you would have it too.

There are various allergens but the most common ones include: