The Interviewer Is Watching You!

It is not for nothing that the experts advise you to take interviews seriously. The seasoned interviewer will be continuously watching your moves closely to evaluate whether he can put his money on you, in spite of your good academic performance. Complacency, lack of knowledge, aptitude and all behavioral traits will be noticed without you being aware of it, and along with your hard skills they determine your selection (or not) for the job.

Your Speech Is Connected To Your Body Language

Statisticians agree that 55-65% of all communications between people is through body language. Of this, about 30-40% is transmitted through voice modulation. This leaves us with just about 10-15% for verbal communication. This set of statistics goes to emphasize that interviewers depend at least equally on what they see if not more than what they hear.

Interpreting non verbal behavior is a new but effective branch of science. If you didn