Ten Organizing Tips For the ADD Individual

Organization can be a real challenge for the ADD individual. Here are some simple tips that can help:

1.Organize for reasons that matter to you. Don't try to adopt someone else's organizing values. If being "tidy" or "organized" has negative connotations for you (tedious, boring, uptight, perfectionist), motivate yourself by organizing according to your own values.

2.Determine the goal. First decide on the specific task you want to tackle. Then prioritize. When things get busy, the adult ADD person often loses perspective. PS: Transitions can be difficult, and mini-breaks can help ease the transition.

3.Notice how and where you work best. Let yourself work under whatever conditions are best for you. If necessary, eliminate distracting noise with headphones or a noise machine.

4.One bite at a time! When you have a big job looming break the chore down into manageable "bites." List every part of the job, no matter how small, so you can get a feeling of accomplishment at crossing things off and seeing that you