Get Rid of Bad Breath

In many cases, you can get rid of bad breath by decreasing the population of volatile sulfur compound (VSC) producing bacteria in the mouth. These bacteria break down material in the mouth and produce foul smelling compounds as a byproduct. Having some of these bacteria is perfectly normal: having too many of them causes bad breath.

Bacteria that produce VSCs are usually anaerobes (bacteria that live in conditions where there is no oxygen). They are found in the airless places in the mouth: crevices, folds and pockets, and especially in the surface of the tongue, where they live deep between the taste bud studded papillae. Getting rid of bad breath means getting into the hiding places where these bacteria multiply, and killing or removing them. To get rid of bad breath, you have to clean up your mouth.

For some people, it's just a matter of improved oral hygiene. Regular brushing and flossing, having dental and gum problems attended to, and cleaning of the tongue may be all it takes to get rid of bad breath. In more complicated cases, getting rid of bad breath may require the use of other products, such as mouthwashes, special toothpastes, or antibacterial solutions.

Some instances of bad breath are transient - merely the result of having eaten a particular food, such as garlic or fish. In these cases, time will get rid of bad breath for you - you have only to wait until your body processes the food and the odor on your breath will go away. If you are in hurry, breath mints or chewing on a bit of parsley can help with getting rid of bad breath of this type, or at least masking it until the problem runs its course.

At the other end of the spectrum, keep in mind that, in relatively rare instances, off-smelling breath is a sign of more serious disease. To get rid of bad breath caused by underlying disease, you need to see a doctor and get the problem diagnosed. Strept throat, diabetes, kidney or liver disease, even certain types of cancer can cause an odd odor in the breath. If you are not certain that the problem lies in the mouth, or if simple measures have no effect, of if you are feeling unwell in other ways, see your doctor for a medical examination before making further attempts at getting rid of bad breath on your own.

R. Drysdale is a freelance writer with more than 25 years experience as a health care professional. She is a contributing editor to Get Rid of Bad Breath, a blog dedicated to the treatment of bad breath.

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