Is Arrogance Really Bad?

Is arrogance a bad thing? Well it depends on what you call arrogance, arrogance you see? For instance someone with an extremely high-self esteem, hell of a resume and lots of self-confidence may appear to be arrogant to someone who is less achieved, weak in personal character and is either drowned in political correctness or has no self esteem.

Recently this subject was discussed and I had read an interesting article on the subject, indeed it was great article describing where arrogance comes from. Apparently someone was upset that no one would listen to their advice and so they thought that the person was indeed arrogant.

Yet one could also say that it can be considered arrogant for someone to think that their advice to someone else is so valuable that the other person must hear it. That too is arrogant you see. But in that case the arrogance is backwards and blind or ignorance with arrogance, which indeed is probably must worse in a way.

Nevertheless you can see why the arrogance issues lead to animosity, hostility and angry arguments for no reason over both arrogance and perceived arrogance and well I just think that both parties of side a debate really need to be shown the mirror so that they may learn something from each other and well that is my lesson for today on arrogance. Consider this in 2006.

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Lance Winslow - EzineArticles Expert Author