Home Remedies For Toothache

Just about the only thing that is worse than having a toothache is having to go to the dentist so that he can fix it! While you might try to ignore a toothache and hope it goes away you really need to have it checked out as most toothaches are due to tooth or jaw problems like dental cavity, cracked tooth, exposed tooth root, gum disease, jaw point diseases or spasm of the muscles used for chewing.

The severity of a toothache can range from chronic, mild to sharp, and excruciating. The pain may worsen or get aggravated by eating and drinking hot and cold foods and beverage. The weather can also worsen the situation.

Dental cavity is the most common cause of toothache. Dental cavities are holes in the two outer layers of the tooth called the enamel and the dentin. The enamel is the outermost white hard surface and the dentin is the yellow layer just beneath the enamel. Certain bacteria in the mouth that convert simple sugars to acid causing dental cavities. This acid softens and dissolves the enamel and dentin creating cavities.

While you really do need to get to the root of the problem with your dentist, here