Summer Gardening is All Weeding and Watering!

Summer is a time of busy gardening activity as everything is growing rapidly and weeds seem to appear faster than you are able to pull them up.

Early summer is a transitional stage with some flowering plants dying back and summer bedding coming into full bloom to offer its peak color.

Pests and diseases are as prominent as ever so taking prompt action when they appear will often stop the trouble and keep it from spreading out of control.

Keep your garden looking its best by weeding frequently and regularly dead-heading border plants.

Mow the lawn, except in very dry weather, to keep the grass short and healthy. Rake the lawn occasionally before cutting as this will help to keep weeds and moss under control. Do not cut the lawn lower than 1 inch as a low cut lawn will encourage moss to grow.

Finish hardening off and planting tender bedding plants as well as watching out for signs of mildew and aphids on roses. Spray insecticide - one of the systemic brands which stay in the plants' system for several weeks - to stop these pests from taking over the soft shoot tips or leaves and halting flower growth.

Putting effort in at the start of summer will let you enjoy your garden mid summer as most things are already sown or planted; your main jobs will be weeding and watering!

For further advice and timely tips on all aspects of gardening, please visit The Seasonal Gardener

For specific gardening jobs and tips in June, please visit The Summer Gardener website.

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