Lemmings Are Running - Again

You know what they are. Little rat like animals that become so over populated that they decide to have a party on the other side of the valley. Everyone joins in and they start running. Unfortunately to get to the other side it is not wise to head directly there because there is a thousand foot precipice in their path. Oh well.

We have our own lemmings. We call them investors. They feed on the good news about how well the economy is doing. Unfortunately, how well the economy is doing and how the price of their stocks and mutual funds are doing are two different things.

The lemmings, oops, stockholders, have been taught to believe all the good news and buy when the talking heads tell them. Brokers and financial planners know so much more than the lemmings? They should not be questioned. Lemmings, there I go again, investors should give their money to the brokers and let them do anything they want with it. That