Shock Absorber Bra

For the longest time men have been offered items to help protect themselves when they are playing any sport, but especially high impact sports. Finally, women have the same items being made available to them through the Shock Absorber Bra. The name may be a little off putting, but this bra can come in very handy for women that are taking part in sports that may cause pain or injury to their breasts if they are not careful. This isn't just your every day, average sports bra, either. The Shock Absorber Bra isn't just a tight fitting bra to hold your breasts down or in place; it is a functional protective device that is both attractive and comfortable.

The Shock Absorber Bra is available in all of the typical sizes and such so that every woman that chooses to take part in any sport or activity can protect herself. Athletes such as Anna Kournikova swear by the Shock Absorber Bra, and that says something if a woman that has balls flying at her at top speed can vouch for such a bra! The great thing with this bra is that you can choose which shock level is right for you. Because not all high impact sports or activities are the same, neither are the bras that will protect you while you take part in them. The Shock Absorber Bra ranges from 1-4 with 4 being the highest level of protection.

The way these bras work is that they have a double inner layer. Not only do they have a double inner layer that adds more protection, they are made of a breathable mesh that not only supports the breast, but also holds it comfortably close to the body to limit the movement and the chance for injury. Unlike sports bras of the past, the Shock Absorber bra isn't something that women will have to squeeze themselves into and out of, because this is a comfortable level of closeness to the body, so that you don't feel as though your breasts are being squished off your body! Not only is the level of firmness and closeness better, the design of the bra is better as well. Instead of having to slip these extreme sports bras over your head and then over your chest, these bras fasten in the back like your typical bra. The hooks have extra padding so that they do not dig into the skin, and there are three hooks so that even the most vigorous activity will not unlatch your bra and leave you exposed to embarrassment or pain.

What is even better about the Shock Absorber bra is that it is not all that expensive. We all know how expensive bras can be, but the Shock Absorber bra won't drain your bank account. They are also available in several different styles from strapless, racer back, your typical bra design, and your typical sports bra design. In addition to design choices you will also have your choice between white, beige, and black for colors so that you can look great, feel great, and play hard no matter what your choice of sport is.

If you can't find the Shock Absorber in your typical bra supplier shop, you should look in your local sporting goods stores. Because this is a bra that is meant specifically for sports, you'll probably have the most luck finding it there. If you want to shop from home, you will have no problem finding every variety of Shock Absorber bra that you could ever want from the Internet. While you may be skeptical, this sports bra is definitely worth its price tag!

Clark Hunter Shock Absorber Bra

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