Pool Supplies

Pool supplies can generally encompass a whole array of equipment for pools. Some of these are pool sweeps, filter grids and cartridges, saltwater chlorinators, pool pumps and motors, pool filters, pump/filter combinations (skid packs for above-ground pools), pool heaters, timers and controls (electronic controls, pool timers, freeze guards), lights, valves and plumbing, and parts (cleaners, pumps, filters, heaters), as well as pool covers. Slides, diving boards, ladders, liners, and other accessories also form a part of swimming pools.

The first step toward a clean pool is pool water care. For this, a common oxidizer/sanitizer, like chlorine, is used to burn up organic material in the water, which greatly reduces the load on the filter. Care has to be taken to maintain the pH balance and proper total alkalinity level, as well as to check calcium hardness and stability. It also makes sense to get a pump that is sized properly and that won