Professional Writer Slanders Online Submission Website Venue

If you are a writer then you are probably aware that there are a few professional writers who have a disdain for online amateur article authors in fact some of them have become very boisterous about the issue. One professional screen play writer and shrilling public relations writer for the health and fitness sector has written a scathing, slamming and slanderous account of her opinion of the online article submission site sector.

If the real Professional Writers do not speak out against her slanderous remarks then they are condoning it and in doing so they are not with us, but against us, cheering on a detractor of online article submission sites.

So, I take issue with this and consider her attacks more than a pricked finger from a kitchen knife, but a Foil, Epee or Sabre swing of the sword and a thrust-ful forward burst and although she is no Errol Flynn or Three Musketeer her moves do require a counter-attack and deservedly so.

If professional writers are so worried about online article amateur authors and are afraid that these folks are hurting their chances of selling their work then obviously they lack either the marketing or writer skills necessary to compete in the free market and therefore they need to look in the mirror rather than complaining. And that is my theory on this philosophical argument. Consider this in 2006.

Lance Winslow

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Lance Winslow - EzineArticles Expert Author