Let Us Compare Online Article View Statistics Shall We?

If you are an online article author you may wish to check your article view statistics with other top amateur and professional online article authors to see how you are doing these days.

Why, well because you may find that in comparison you are doing quite well. And if not perhaps you need to decide how best to modify your habits in order to succeed.

For instance as the top online article submitter in quantity [definitely not in quality] I have posted 7000 plus online articles with an average article view of about 252 views. That is below the average level of most online article authors.

Which is an indication of my topics and subjects I write on and use of titles and key words as well. If you wish to do better than me, of course you will be smart to watch such things as key words, titles and make sure they match your content in your articles.

Also you must realize that certain subjects on the Internet are much more popular with Internet Surfers than with intellectuals and if you are writing over everyones head you can expect fewer views and readers.

However, if you gear your articles to a certain demographic you may find it is easy to find a niche to dominate online and hit your exact target reader and that is the best of all worlds and you should be able to cook along at 400-500 articles views per article with a little careful strategic thinking on your part. Consider this in 2006.

Lance Winslow

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Lance_Winslow

Lance Winslow - EzineArticles Expert Author