Domain Name Registrars

Do you want to have a domain name? Or, do you wish to register for your domain name? Well, that is not too hard though. With the presence of the domain name registrars, your desire for domain names will be made possible. But what really are domain registrars?

In a most concrete identification, the domain name registrars are actually companies that register domain names for those who love to own a domain name. And for everybody to comprehend the real nature of domain name registrars and the nature of their work and their role in domain name registration, one must then learn about the ICANN or the International Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers.

So speaking of the ICANN that plays a major part in the domain name registrars, it is necessary to know that it has two main responsibilities. One of those is to oversee the Domain Name System or DNS for the purpose of validating the division of the IP Addresses and domain names, verifying that each one is distinct. Such group then coordinates the distribution and mapping with each of the registry. Secondly, the ICANN is responsible of accrediting the domain name registrars.

Generally, the ICANN has particular criteria for the domain name registrars