Four Ways to Quality Check Your Drywall Project

If you're remodeling or building your home, you want to ensure that all stages of construction are done properly for best results.

Whether you're hiring a drywall contractor or doing the job yourself, there are certain aspects of the finishing that need to be inspected before painting.

It's to your benefit that you perform quality control checks often during the building process and in here you will learn several ways to inspect your drywall finishing project.

To find and correct errors in the work, it's best to go over it with a "fine tooth comb". This can be accomplished in several ways and it's really best to use all of them during your inspection.

1. Do a walk through eyeballing the job carefully. You will find obvious mistakes this way and can either correct them immediately or mark them with a pencil to come back later and do a touch up application.

2. Change lighting and search again for flaws. After all, your room will be used with natural and artificial lighting. Some errors will not appear unless there is bright artificial lighting.

3. Use "touch" to find uneven drywall application. Run the palm of your hand over areas to make sure the whole wall feels even.

4. Perform another inspection after applying the primer coat of paint. Do this again using both natural and artificial lighting.

Lynn Solana is the veteran of numerous home remodeling and building projects. From working hands on and doing much of the work herself to hiring contractors and construction managers, she has seen the entire spectrum of home improvement. These tips are just among hundreds more that she shares on her website, Drywall Finishing Tips. Check out her tips, tricks and techniques at

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