Ensuring Effective Leadership Choice in Organization

This article will provide brief overview about the concept and definition of leadership, set of competencies required and choices of power available for leaders through which they can work for organizational benefits.

There is no second thought about the fact that like in normal social life, organizations cannot deny existence and effectiveness of leadership for organizational objectives. In the simplest way, leadership can de defined as influencing other to act towards the attainment of a goal (Rehfeld, 1994, Greenwood, 1993) that in organizational sense mean business objectives. To attain such goals, leaders require a distinguished set of competencies, should enjoy some forms of power and can choose from various leadership styles with relevance to scenario requirements (Papers4you.com, 2006).

It was argued that to secure effective leadership, organizations should examine five core competencies including empowerment, intuition, vision, value congruence and self-understanding (Slocum & Hellriegel, 1996). It was argued that through empowerment, leader influences and control followers while intuition-manifested ability of a leader to scan a situation, anticipate changed, and take risk as well build trust. Similarly a leader should have self-understanding of his opt her own strengths and weakness to make best use of his strengths and avoid strategies that can be adversely affected by weaknesses. Moreover the leader should have vision to imagine scenarios and future path and deciding ways to achieve best possible set of strategies related to his visionary future (Papers4you.com, 2006). However one the most important required competency is value congruence that is leader should have ability to understand organizational goals as well as employees