Safety Helps You Work Rest And Play!

Australia day 2006 was a memorable day, I managed to crush two vertebrae in my back, and experience my world change in an instance. My physical world and my psychological world took an unexpected battering, that changed my life. The events that unfolded taught me some valuable lessons in safety, and I would like to share them with you.

I had been working for a fly in fly out gold mining operation for the last two years, and was now taking some down time. I was determined to experience the laid back Australian life style to the fullest and had started boogie board riding in the early mornings.

There is nothing like early morning guy banter, and catching the waves down on the beach. Time seems to be erased as you adopt the relaxed pattern of the sea.

This morning was also special because I had managed to get into my wetsuit by myself. On previous occasions I had had to have my colleagues zip the back up, I was clearly loosing weight.

For two hours I floated around, catching the occasional wave and riding its crest into the shore. We would even boast to each other