Acne's Upsetting Zits

Acne is a type of skin disease that is mainly caused due to excessive secretion of oil, produced by the sebaceous glands in our skin. Basically, the function of this oil is to regulate the skin texture and body hair by reasonably moistening it.

Problem presents when an excessive of lubrication is produced by these skin glands (due to hormones), you easily become prone to development of congested pores on the skin surface. These pores give rise to various skin bumps such as cysts, blackheads, whiteheads, pimples etc.

You may think witch is the difference if they are all ugly bumps?. They are classified by their nature. Cyst is a condition where your skin is covered with a tiny sac that is filled with fluid. In the case of whiteheads, the pores get blocked with sebum and protrude slightly outward. When the pores stay open and are filled with sebum, they get darkened from the outside surface and it is called blackhead. It is known as a pimple, when the pores get exposed to a different kind of organic matter such as bacteria and other germs.

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