Pilates: The Sought After Exercise Regimen for Dancers

Pilates is an excellent exercise for dancers because it helps move the body to optimum health with a smooth range of flowing movement - while building strength and agility. But what makes Pilates such a sought-after exercise regimen? Joseph Hubertus Pilates developed this highly acclaimed restorative exercise system approximately 80 years ago. As a child, Joseph was often prone to illness. He caught many afflictions including Rheumatic Heart Disease. While suffering many of these dreadful afflictions he sought to strengthen himself through physical activity. He later took up boxing, circus performing and also became a gymnast to try to restore his strength and improve his health. Actually while taking part in these sports, he developed his own style of exercise, which helped him regain his health. The years of regaining his personal strength and health led to him using these same methods on others who were also ill.

During World War I (WWI) while interning in England he worked as a nurse in the hospital implementing his strict exercise system on the patients who were ill. And during this time Spanish influenza took over the lives of many. However, the patients under Joseph