Operator Error Is Why Most Businesses Fail

Q: I am thinking about starting my own business, but statistics show that most new businesses fail. Why do you think most businesses fail?

A: This is the column that probably gets me kicked out of the entrepreneurial chapter of the Priory of Scion. I look silly in those long robes anyway, so here goes.

A thousand apologies to my entrepreneurial brothers and sisters, but. I think the more important question is: do businesses fail or does the entrepreneur in charge of them fail? I have to be honest and tell you that I think most business failures must be laid at the feet of the person in charge.

Sure, there may be contributing factors to the demise of a business, such as a huge chain store moving in next door, a down economy, the lack of qualified employees, new government regulations, the failure of a strategic partner, etc., but any entrepreneur worth his salt should see such things coming and make adjustments to weather the storm.

And the truth is sometimes the storm can