HPV Symptoms

There are one hundred strains of HPV, thirty of which can lead to other problems such as cervical cancer and genital warts. More and more people contract HPV each year, making this a growing concern for the population. Not all cases of HPV have symptoms. In fact, HPV symptoms only surface if another problem is present.

HPV symptoms in the case of genital warts can vary. If you are experiencing irritating bumps or lesions, it is possible that you have genital warts. See your gynecologist so they can properly diagnose them.

Once you determine that your HPV symptom was, in fact, genital warts, it is time to consider treatment options. The best way to treat them depends on the patient. You can freeze the warts, treat them with chemicals, burn them off or get surgery. Choose the treatment option you are comfortable with. Also keep in mind that after the warts are gone, they can lie dormant and then resurface. However, this is not always the case. They may never return.

Your HPV symptoms may also surface if you have cervical cancer or any other cancer of the reproductive organs. Cervical cancer begins with the presence of abnormal cells. If the cells become more common you may start to experience vaginal bleeding, smelly discharge, or an uncomfortable feeling during sexual intercourse. If you experience any of these, your HPV symptoms may lead to cervical cancer and it is best to see a doctor.

To prevent HPV, it is best to be in a monogamous relationship with someone who does not have it. You can also use condoms and get regular pap tests. Unfortunately, men cannot be screened for HPV.

HPV provides detailed information on HPV, HPV Vaccine, HPV Treatments, HPV Symptoms and more. HPV is affiliated with Genital Wart Removal.

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