Anorexia Nervosa

The advances in technology and the rapid developments in society in general, have revolutionized the way people think. Nowadays, through the help of advertising and promotions, impressionable young women have conceived the uninformed notion that being thin is everything. You cannot truly blame these young people since svelte models and celebrities are what they constantly see in films, television programs, magazines and billboards. More often than not, it is the skinny people who are plunged in the limelight and creating the headlines whether in fashion or otherwise. Thus it is not surprising that these thin-reed models and actresses make such a huge impression to the public at large particularly among the females.

Being thin is not bad or wrong per se. Keeping your weight at the ideal level with respect to your height is actually beneficial to your health. The problem begins when a young girl who wants to be thin would resort to drastic measures such as starving herself to death in order to be thin. In the United States, it is estimated that 8 million Americans consisting mostly of teenaged girls as well as young women are suffering from one kind or another of eating disorders. Anorexia nervosa is one of these types.

A person afflicted with anorexia nervosa is referred to as an anorexic. An anorexic has the constant fear of gaining weight. In order to lose the additional pounds, she limits her food intake and also avoids eating the normal meals one should take every day. In extreme cases, an anorexic will skip eating food altogether. She will supplement her fasting with a rigid exercise regimen. The problem with an anorexic is that whenever she looks at the mirror, she still looks fat by her standards although in reality, she is very much underweight.

Anorexia nervosa is not simply a person having problem with her food intake or her weight. This disorder may be caused by a number of factors affecting not only the biological but the psychological as well as the socio-cultural aspects of the anorexic. Biological refers to the genetic links of the anorexic as she might have a relative, like her mother or sister, who is also suffering from an eating disorder. Psychological would relate to the character and attitude of the anorexic. Studies show that a teenager or a young woman afflicted with anorexia nervosa has low self-esteem. She is not confident with herself thus tries to achieve perfection by becoming thin. The socio-cultural aspects refer to the home and school environment of the anorexic. A young girl who has received criticisms on her appearance from her family or friends is bound to be more conscious of her diet. She will try to remedy the situation to the point of becoming an anorexic just to win their approval.

Anorexia nervosa is a health problem that can be prevented or treated. There are a lot of options open to you if you are an anorexic. The important thing would be to seek medical help as soon as possible since you are no longer in control of your body, it is now the disorder that is running your whole system. Family support is essential during this difficult time of getting treatment. Talking about the real reason and the issues on why you want to be dangerously thin will help you realize that it is not what you really wanted all along. Nutritional therapy, which will recommend what food your must eat so that you will regain your health plays a significant role in your recovery. One can certainly hope that an anorexic can overcome and win her battle in the end.

Michael Russell Your Independent guide to Eating Disorders

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Michael Russell - EzineArticles Expert Author