Patent Search: Sixth Sense?

How to conduct an effective patent search?

To conduct an effective search, it is always better to start writing a brief description of what your invention is all about. To begin with, state the problem and solution to overcome it. Your solution might be in the form of novel process, product, device, apparatus, article or mere ornamental design. A comprehensive search strategy will include three main inevitable steps and they are:

(1) General key words search = More hits
(2) Classification codes search = Cannot be determined (depends on the subject matter of invention)
(3) Hybrid search (classification code(s) + keyword(s)) = Relatively less no. of hits (depends on the subject matter of invention)

(1) Keywords search

Identification of analogous terms with respect to your proposed invention is mandatory. Technical jargon has its own importance while conducting keywords search. It helps you to retrieve existing patents (sometimes may not, it depends on the patentable subject matter) claiming product(s) or processes overlapping your