Actions on Stress

Stress is such a commonly used word, but what does it really mean? How does stress affect us and what can we do about it? Stress can be the cause of so many health conditions, lost days of work, irritability with those we love, and general unhappiness. Certain herbs, vitamins, minerals and techniques can help calm your body so you are better able to deal with the stresses that come your way.

Some of the more common symptoms of stress are: fatique, headaches, irritability, stomach aches, heartburn, rapid heart rate, high blood pressure, cramping, indigestion, insomnia, food reactions, hives, weight gain, weight loss, and lowered immune function. Stress can effect any one in any part of the body as we all deal with life differently; we all hold our stress in different parts of our body.

Some supplements that can be useful for stress are: The B vitamins (B complex), vitamin C, Calcium-Magnesium, and EFA