TQM Implementation Project Part 6a - The Improve Phase, How To Do It

This TQM article is a continuation of the Part 5a article published on [June 05, 2006 09:36:20 am], the IMPROVE PHASE. In this issue, I will share with you how to use Force-Field Analysis and Prevention Planner in carry out this TQM project using the D.A.I.C. Methodology as described in my previous article.

Just to recap, tools used in the IMPROVE Phase are listed below. I will deal with tools that are in bold:

Brainstorming of action / solution | Selection Grid | Benchmarking | Cost-Benefit Analysis | Control lot and testing | Pilot the action / solution | Force-Field Analysis | Prevention Planner

How to use Force-Field Analysis

It is over idealistic that whenever teams try to implement solutions, it is done smoothly without any hurdle. You may argue that why would anyone objective or unsupportive of our solution after it is for the good of everybody.

This tool is particularly useful to foresee any objections or even obstacles when implementing the solutions. This tool is guided by a template which if done correctly should identify potential problem.

There are 4 areas of focus in the template, namely; Current State; Desired State; Restraining Force and Driving Force. Let me illustrate the five focuses as below:-

1) Current State refers to the situation you are in i.e. the problem. Example, Work Instruction is not enforced.

2) Desired State refers to the situation you like to be in i.e. the objective of the solution. Example: Work Instruction is adhered to.

3) Restraining Force refers to the objections or disagreement that people affected by the solution would raise. Example; People do not want to cooperate.

4) Driving Force refers to positive behavior or benefits of the solution. Example; Direction given by management to improve the situation.

How to use Prevention Planner

This is a planning tool. It has to be developed to address those Restraining Forces identified in the Force-Field Analysis. A template is provided to guide team members to use it systematically. Firstly, the Restraining Force is listed in the first column. Then ask team member what will be the trigger point of signal that team member would know the Restraining Force is taken place. Example;

What is the trigger point that