Online Job Search Techniques

There're many ways to conduct online job search. However, many job seekers only think of posting resumes and searching opportunities on big job sites like, and etc. There's nothing wrong with it, but according to a survey conducted by, of all hires in 2002, only 3.6% come from, 1.5% come and 0.5% come from Morever, many companies only advertise their job openings on their own company websites and some other speciality websites. Wouldn't it be nice if you can use search engines to find these opportunities that are ignored by other job seekers?

Before we go any further of how to conduct online job search, I would like to talk a little bit about Boolean Logic. If you are a math or a computer student, you may have already known it. Actually, it's very powerful, yet simple to use in search engines. The following are some of the most popular Boolean operators, modifiers and field search commands.

AND: Collects documents that include all terms.
Google default operator.
Example: job AND nursing
OR: Collects documents that include at least one of the terms.
Example: nurse OR rn
NOT Collects documents that include the term that precedes it but not the term that follows it.
AltaVista: AND NOT; Google: - (e.g.