E-Z GRO Opt-In Mailing List Techniques

An opt-in mailing list can be your most solid internet marketing tool. Think of it as a foot in the door ? or better yet, a standing invitation to drop by anytime. Research has shown that it takes an average of seven contacts with a prospect to make your first sale.

It?s hard to count on someone returning to your web site seven times ? but if you get them there once, and convince them to join your opt-in mailing list, you have a standing invitation to contact them with your offers, at your convenience.

The trick, of course, is turning your web site visitors into opt-in list subscribers. Opt-in list building is easier than you think. There are a number of tried and true methods of list building that you can use ? but don?t be afraid to think outside the box to sign up folks who drop by your web site for a short visit.

Start with a good reason for people to join your opt-in list.
People don?t join opt-in lists out of the goodness of their hearts ? they opt in because you?re offering them something of value. What have you got to offer?

? Get a 10% discount on all purchases over $25 ? exclusive to members of our mailing list!
? Find out about our newest products through our opt-in mailing list!
? We?ll keep you up to date on the latest developments in [insert your field here].
? Special discount prices and offers exclusively for members of our mailing list.

Get the picture? You?re not saying, ?Hey, can I keep bugging you to try to sell you stuff?? You?re offering a service ? ?I?ll let you know when I?ve got good stuff you want to buy.?

Post the invitation to join your opt-in list prominently on your web site. Simple list building truth number one is that people can?t join your opt-in list if they don?t know about it. Put an invitation to join your email list on every single page of your site ? and make the invitation enticing.

Practice opt-in list building everywhere.
Include a short invitation to join your opt-in email list as part of your email signature so that it goes out every time you email someone. If you do a presentation or event, personally invite participants or booth visitors to join your opt in email list.

Bribe people to sign up with a free gift.
Bribery is a tried-and-true fast list building technique and website promotion tool. Selling weight loss products? Put together an e-book of weight loss facts about nutrition and offer it as an incentive to sign up for your opt in list. Be creative, and watch your list grow like a weed.

Offer incentives for referrals.

Article Source: http://www.articledashboard.com

Shon Christopher is the owner of www.advancedmarketingsoftware.com which offers 11 powerful software toolkits created especially for webmasters and affiliates to help them drive website traffic and increase sales.