Golf Fitness Training Equals Great Golf

If you?ve watched any golf on the television you?ve no doubt heard the commentator?s mention golf fitness training. It?s no secret that 95 percent of professional golfers are doing some for of golf fitness training.

If there livelihood depends on their performance and they are participating in golf fitness training, why wouldn?t amateur golfers do the same?

The golf swing is one of the most physically demanding movements on the human body of all sports.

Swinging a three and a half foot long implement at upwards of 100 mph, while maintaining balance, stabilization and proper swing mechanics is very difficult.

I don?t think I have to convince you of that do I?

The ?only? way to be able to accomplish this is by improving the strength AND flexibility of your golf muscles with a golf fitness training routine.

What?s the simplest way to do this?

I can tell you not on a machine in your local gym.

Just take a look at the golf swing to realize it?s ?on your feet? and bent at the waist. How could sitting in a machine help that?

It can?t!

You?ve got to do as many exercises as possible on your feet, involving balance, coordination, strength and flexibility.

You don?t even have to be a golf fitness specialist to come up with some creative golf exercises on your own.

How about making your golf swing while holding a single handweight? You can?t get anymore golf-specific than that.

What about some exercise tubing (that?s inexpensive) attached to your door and make your golf swing? Another very golf-specific exercise.

You don?t need a gym membership to do any of these and many more golf exercises. Convenience of doing these exercises in your home saves time and money.

There is a lot of information (including books) showing golfers on machines in gyms. That?s not ?golf-specific?, that?s ?general fitness?.

If you want to improve your game quickly and easily, try doing these ?in-home? golf exercises. You won?t believe how quickly your body will respond to golf fitness training and how you?ll be the LONGEST hitter in your foursome in no-time.

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About The Author: Mike Pedersen is the featured expert for Golf Magazine's site, one of the top golf fitness experts in the country, author and founder of several cutting-edge online golf fitness sites. Take a look at his just released golf fitness dvds and manual at his golf swing trainer site - Perform Better Golf.