Six facts you should know to empower your teaching

As parents and teachers, we need to enhance our abilities to
create a relationship of trust with the students or the
children we interact with.

The task sometimes seems hard and we often feel
discouraged. Fortunately, there is hope with the vision
that both teachers and children can discover the joy of

Empowering children with self confidence and strengthening
your capabilities to teach will become second hand as you
integrate the following six principles or beliefs.
It's a sure deal.

1. The map is not the territory
Wherever you travel and whenever you use a map, you know
that this map doesn't show exactly the whole territory. Some
things are just not included on the map. In the same way,
our view of the world doesn't show the complete reality.
When children, as well as each one of us, experience the
world we give it meaning, which is often distorted. This
fact help us understand that we need to listen to better
understand children's interpretation of the world and thus
help them grow in their view of the world, not our own,
which is also only a map.

2.Every behavior has a positive intention
Children sometimes show strange, unexpected behavior but we
have to remember that their behavior is totally congruent to
them at the present time. It is their best choice
according to their current map of the world. Their behavior
always has an intention and this intention serves them,
otherwise why would they do it. Although we must remember
that the positive intention does not always manifest itself
the way we would like it to. What we need to do is find
and understand it, while respecting the child we're teaching
or raising.

3.There is no failure only feedback
Teachers and parents often don't know how to handle failure.
Bad grades should never mean bad child. It only means:
can I do better as a teacher/parent to help the child
realize that his failure is an opportunity to go forward,
build his own character and build the one characteristic
necessary to become a successful person: persistence."

4.You cannot not communicate
You don't only communicate with language but by your
behavior, your posture and your voice