Some Key Differences Between Life and Business Coaching

When guidance is needed to elicit a peak performance, many people turn to coaching. Whether it is on the field or in the office, or for hobbies, personal or professional reasons, successful people from all walks of life have been using this valuable tool to achieve their goals quickly and effectively for years. This may explain why new trends have emerged in which many adults are turning to life coaches in their off hours to search for personal fulfillment, while still others opt for a much different type of coaching at work to enhance their skill sets, expand their potential and make their employees more effective in their roles in the company.
But how does one differentiate between life coaching and business coaching? One major difference is that life coaching focuses on more personal issues, while in business coaching you anchor the work in business objectives. The accountability is with the client and his or her internal advocate so that what they are working on is improving their leadership skills and ultimately the business bottom line. It does not solely revolve around the client as it does in life coaching. For instance, in life coaching a client