Avoiding Credit Card Penalties

It is a sad fact of life that credit card companies are very willing and fast to slap a penalty charge on your account for every mistake, delay and slip up you cause, immediately and without a second thought. These penalty charges can amount to millions of dollars taken from consumers each month. They are a necessary part of all credit card operations and are fair in the sense that it means that customers who do everything correctly and on time are not penalised for the extra work and expense that other customers cause, but what you will want to do is make sure you are not one of the unlucky customers that is paying for these extra expenses.

The best way to avoid these penalties is to look at the entire situation from the point of view of the credit card company. Really, all they want from you is to keep your card safe, to stay within your credit limit, and to make at least your minimum payment, on time every month. If you manage to do these simple tasks you will avoid ever incurring a penalty on your account.

The problem is that it is very easy to slip up on these things. It