Networking Crossover

As I try to explain and describe the power of cooperation in workgroups, I often get lost. Networking Cross-Over is far more easy to visualize as it has innovative and intuitive parts to turn efforts to success!

As references to aproach this area I bring the work of Carl Rogers and Harald Swedner. They made a giant effort scaling down their discoveries to its essenscial and cognitive structures, "decoded" to let us access the cumulative effects and synergies in networking with the experience being present in an designed dynamic and close encounter of a motivated group.

The interactive and reflective components in these designed meetings, force real needs to co-function instead of hidden motives and false expectations that will limit the perception. Dealing with missions more or less with "brains off" (to let EQ join common sense) may boost the process to spin-off. That is a good reason for developing network strategies.

This level is required to recognize and identify the best mix of options for any given occation. To optimize the alternatives and secure constructive attitudes, we go crossover culture, borders and branches. Your treasures need a Network!

Jan Fritz

Firetail Networks