Energy and America

America is entering into a time of Energy crisis. It could easily be the greatest crisis that human-kind is to face. America can not continue to lead the world econimcally and drain it dry at the same time. The National Collegiate Clean Energy Initiative is working to unite American students and citizens alike, to demand CLEAN ENERGY POLICY.

Kevin Gluckstal
720 Northern Blvd
Brookville NY 11487

The FED Chairman, Mr. Alan Greenspan was on
capitol hill in the semi-annual monetary policy
meeting with congress. (also known as the Humphrey
Hawkins meeting)While Mr. Greenspan was mostly upbeat
about the economy (Note: I am not as up beat) he made
some very troubling remarks.
Mr. Greenspan commented that the..."Long-term futures
for crude oil...going 10-years out...have risen
substantially in the last few years...and are being
sustained at these levels..."
Now... the market is a discounting mechinism. Has the
futures market begun to discount PEAK OIL? I believe
the answer is YES! In REAL DOLLARS, crude needs to get
over $100/brl to equal the peak of the 70's crunch.
It is extremely crucial that clean energy comes to
market NOW - being infront of this curveball will
determine our future and the state of our economy.
What is just as troubling is that I have not heard any
covering of this in the media.