The Gravitational Pull of ANTs, WORMS & FEARS

What is an ANT?

An ANT is an acronym for Automatic Negative Thoughts.

What is a WORM?

A WORM is a metaphor for deep-seated, unconscious beliefs that lye dormant in our consciousness analogous to a computer virus that only activates when a certain button is pushed on our keyboard.

What is a FEAR?

A FEAR is False Evidence Appearing Real; an optical illusion that makes you believe it is impossible to move beyond this point so why even try. FEAR is a lie!

ANTs are pre-conscious thoughts, beliefs, ideas that keep us trapped in our comfort zone. They exist to stop us from moving to far ahead of our current environment. They cause us to become uncomfortable with our potential and possibility.

They exist to keep us in a holding pattern where we don't act or do anything to better ourselves. They keep us stagnated and stifled. They cause us to sabotage our good.

WORMS are much stronger than ANTs and are more insidious and pervasive. If we are focused, we can overcome an ANT with sheer will power, but will power up against a WORM [deep seated, dominant belief] is like one soldier up against an entire army. A WORM will destroy will power and we will automatically sabotage our life and act in a manner consistent with our dominant beliefs.

For instance, we might have an ANT that says, "I'm not good enough to be with this person." If we force our way through that automatic negative thought using shear will power and continue to stay in the relationship, the ANT may be crushed but then the WORM will appear and may say, "You ARE NOT good enough to be with that person so why are you trying