How to write ads that generate sales (part 2)

RULES OF MARKETING COMUNICATION * Know your audience * Know what your audience wants * Make a clear statement that they will get what they want if they answer your ad * Put a time limit to your irresistible offer People that read ads have only one idea in mind: What's in it for me? People read ads to fulfill their needs and desires, so if they don't receive a clear image of the solid benefit they will receive from your ad, they will pass it buy. The vast majority of the ads you can read say things like: "we are here", "we are great", "here's what we've got". It's no wonder why hardly anyone responds to them: they are not answering the most important question fo your potential customers: "What's in it for me?" BASIC STRUCTURE OF AN AD You want your target prospect to take immediate action. If you don't ask for action you don't get action, so the basic structure of your ad should be: You'll get this benefit if you act now! Everything else in the ad is an elaboration of this point. If you ad testimonies or images, they must talk about the benefit that the prospect will reach if he acts now! WORK HARD YOUR BENEFITS The average person is very aware that you are making a pitch in an effort to get his money, so the first thing they will feel is that you will lie if you need, in order to get their money. So you must know that your prospects are on guard against you, and the only thing they want to know is what will they get from it, and you must show this right away in the most clear way you can find. You must show your benefits using FACTS, not making general claims as "excelence guaranteed". Instead of saying "we have the fastest service" say "all products shipped same day of purchase". So you must take a look of each feature you have listed about your product, and make it a FACT. FEATURES: Are descriptive words about your product or service: its color, size, weight, operating parameters and so on. Your ad should not say how your product is, but what it will get for the people who buys it No ad works using an offer without benefits as the primary ammunition! WHAT TO OFFER The best offer is: FREE. People is adicted to getting something for nothing. So in order to motivate your audience you must offer them something for free. What can you offer? * A free trial * Your brochure * Sales literature * A special report * A subscription to your newsletter Whatever you have and can send out at minimal cost. But it's not enough to say "We will give you FREE our Internet Marketing booklet" you rather say "We will give you FREE an Internet Marketing booklet that will show you how to earn $ 2000 in only 23 days". Show the benefit! WHAT TO EXPECT In most cases you can't expect to make a sale with a small ad, you can only motivate an action that will eventually finish in a sale. What kind of action can you motivate: * Elicit prospect inquiries * Obtain prospect's e-mail address ADVERTISING ATTRIBUTES * CONCENTRATION: Advertise in the same place time after time, until the ad starts to get response rather than placing it every time in a different place. * REACH: You want your ad to reach as many people as possible * FREQUENCY: Most people will not respond to your ad until they have seen it not less than 6 times. True absortion of your messate will result only from repetition. WHAT DOES PEOPLE WANT People generally want one of more of the following things: * Better health * More comfort * More money * More leisure time * More popularity * Greater beauty * Success * Security. So this is exactly what you must tell them that they are going to get, if they opt for your product or service TEST You should never stop testing to reach good results with your ads, and the way to do it is: * Run the same ad in different places * Ask your customers what prompted to buy from you * Test the same ad with different headlines THE AD BODY Once you have your reader's attention, you must follow with: * A quick enumeration of the benefits he can gain. Try to put into your prospect shoes, and ask yourself: If I were reading this ad, what are the things that would appeal to me? Write your copy to appeal to your reader's wants and emotional needs. Writing good advertising copy is nothing more or less than knowing "who" your buyers are; recognizing what he wants; and then telling him how your product will fulfill each of those wants. * Present the proven FACTS of your product (the more facts, the more credible the offer) People want facts and/or excuses for buying a product - to justify to themselves and others, so you must help them to do it. You must asure him for his good judgment in the final decision to buy. People tend to believe the things that appeal to their individual desires, fears and other emotions. I other words people believe what they "want" to believe, it's up to you to support his initial desire. * Reiterate the advantages, comfort and happiness he'll enjoy Once you finish presenting facts, test results, sales figures, and/or other customer's testimonialssummarize everhthing you've presented and then get into your demand for action. * Make them feel they already own the product Draw a mental picture for your potential buyer. Let him imagine owning the product. Induce him to visualize all of the benefits you've promised. Give him the keys to seeing himself richer, enjoying luxury, having time to do whatever he'd like to do, and with all of his dreams fulfilled. Written by Dr. Roberto A. Bonomi