Self-Improvement Secrets

* Perfectionism is a time waster.

Strive for excellence on important issues and ordinary best for everyday tasks. Do not waste your time on needless details.

* Be flexible.

Organize things the way they work for you. The principle of organizing is to be able to find what you want when you want it.

* Simplify.

No matter how much you seek change, it is impossible if there is no room for change. Busyness and over spending leaves you feeling overwhelmed, stressed and yearning for a simpler life. Letting go of clutter and attachments can be painful. Ask for help. Consider a trusted friend, family member or professional organizer who can keep you focused. (Telephone and email coaching are available. For more information contact:

* Clean out your closets.

Take time to remove what you no longer wear or use. Statistics show that we wear 20% of our clothes 80% of the time. That means that there are a whole lot of clothes just waiting for the infrequent occasion to wear them. Do you really need to keep so many?

* Measure progress in terms of percentages.

The point of Self-Improvement is to increase your batting average. Changing a habit 10% of the time is a positive step in the right direction. Give yourself credit for the progress you are making. (Ty Cobb, baseball