Top 10 Steps for Harnessing Your Emotional Power for Business Success

Do you find yourself trying to make sense out of the emotions you feel at work? Do you wish that you could get rid of the "negative" emotions that you feel? Do you wish that your boss or co-workers or clients and other people involved in your business could change so that you don't have to feel the way you feel? If you answered "Yes" to these question, you are not alone. Emotions are a huge part of your work life. Whether positive or negative, it's important to not only feel your emotions but pay attention to them. In truth, your emotions are a flashing red light, warning you that it's time to take your life to the next level.

Here are 10 steps to help you harness your emotional power:

1. Be aware of and identify your emotions.

So many of us were taught that certain emotions were good and certain ones were bad so we try to ignore the