Beyond the Stress of Success - Access Your Thriving Zone

Genuine enthusiasm...real feeling of accomplishment...sense of satisfaction and fun. Welcome to your thriving zone!

How do you gain quick access? Simple...take 3 easy steps.

  1. Pause to Refresh
  2. Think Thriving Thoughts
  3. Re-energize in Thriving Environments

Pause to Refresh...Given the relentless demands of nonstop 24/7 lifestyles, it is easy to forget we are human beings, not human doings. Yet performance experts agree. Constant doing without real downtime impairs our ability to perform at our best. And this also keeps us from being in our thriving zone.

Need proven and manageable ways to incorporate regular pause-to-refresh intervals in your work day? Try these:

Research indicates that winners instinctively and consciously take regular intervals of time, no matter how short, to de-stress and refocus when they are engaged in intense competition or pressure-cooker assignments. So if you cannot control the demands of your work, control the moments you take to intentionally rest and restore your energy.

Think Thriving Thoughts...Negative thinking is unproductive. It burns up considerable bandwidth, slows forwared momentum, and drains energy in the process. So why not focus on positive outcomes with optimistic realism?

Successful people spent time thinking thriving thoughts. You can too!

Notice how much better you feel. The more you practice having and acting on thriving thoughts, the more you will find yourself "in the zone" and enjoying it.

Re-energize in Thriving Environments...The right environments support you in being your best self. So it is important to know what environments of people, places, and activities are right for you. Make a promise to renew your energy in thriving environments. And then keep that promise to yourself.

What happens to us in thriving environments is we reconnect with our internal rhythms and experience the ease of being in a thriving zone.

So just let yourself practice, practice, practice. Pause to Refresh...Think Thriving Thoughts...and Re-energize in Thriving Environments. Then you'll find yourself slipping without effort into your thriving zone.

Sylvia Warren, MBA - Consciousness Coach in Business, Leadership & Life - inspires thriving in business owners, executives, and leaders.

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